
Showing posts from May, 2008

Don't Beef with South Korean People

If you don't want trouble don't beef with South Korean people who are likely to attack you. Good for them, would you really want to eat a poor old, and dead, animal that has been pumped full of growth hormones and all kinds of other crazy crap.

Carbon Trading Explained

If you would like to know more about carbon trading then take a look at this article on Yahoo News

Europe wide fuel protests - is taxation an effective way of curbing use?

Will Mr Brown be forced to delay the forthcoming increase in fuel duty faced with rising crude oil prices and some angry mother truckers? Who knows? Mr Sarkozy is appealing to the EU to drop VAT on fuel placing the blame in Brussels . Perhaps the blame should be attributed to Tony Blair or George Bush in relation to the effect of the Iraq war and the resultant repercussions on supply? Having either served their time in the case of Tone or beyond reproach with the home stretch insight it wouldn't matter if he did. Go on Mr Sarkozy chin them for les people.

MPs back carbon credits, do you?

MPs have voted in favour of a scheme to ration carbon emissions . What do you think about the scheme as a way of cutting green house gas emissions and helping in the fight against global warming?

Sea levels to rise 1.5m by 2100

Latest estimates predict sea levels will rise by 1.5m in the next 90 - 100 years as a result of gloabl warming.

China take action over "White Pollution"

The final version of the Chinese plastic bag regulation has been released and it goes a long way further than any Western Government have, as yet, dared to. It will be illegal in China for retailers to subsidise the cost of plastic bags, punishable by a fine of about £700, and all plastic bags must meet quality standards. China has also closed the largest plastic bag producing factory in the world that was producing a quarter of a million tons of plastic bags annually. Well done China!

Tommy Lee is dirty!

The mere fact Tommy Lee is having a shower is going to help the environment no end! Sharing it with a rapper? That's just Ludacris!

Animals dead, hurry only two-thirds to go!

According to the latest statistics the World's wildlife population has decreased by nearly 30% in the last 40 years and is decreasing at a rate of 1% per year. Good job they made the film Lion King in 1994 or it would have to be called "Simba the lonely lion who would have been King if there were any animals left to rule over" and that would have wasted a lot of paper when it came to printing the 30ft long promotional posters that would still only just fit the title on.

A "bag for life" each and global warming is beaten

If the furore over plastic bags were to be believed the world can be saved from climate change by us all stopping using plastic bags. That's all we have to do, drive to the shops in our gas guzzlers and use a slightly thicker bag. Let's ignore the fact the overuse of plastic bags is a litter issue. Let's ignore the superflous packaging surrounding all the items in the bags and just focus on the bag. Let's get the government to stick a tax on said plackie bags and proclaim they have solved all our problems whilst using the extra cash to fund some Nuclear Power! At least it is easier for us to use a cloth bag for our shopping than to say, walk to the shops or actually do anything significant that might give us a shot of saving our sorry souls!

Go Green and Save Cash

The credit crunch is crunchier than a crunchy, on Fridays but thanks to The Sun , the crap newspaper not the bright shiny thing , you can save some cash with their go green guide .

Fat people to blame for global warming

Get back in your Range Rover, well if you're thin you can anyway. Scientists have discovered fat people are to blame for global warming .